GMinder: Now with Better International Time Support

Several users noticed that GMinder did not correctly display dates and times on their computers. This is because GMinder did not take into account various international time formats. New version 1.2.10 now has better support for such formats, including 24 hour formats. Note that GMinder will now use your regional settings in Windows to format the time.

Additionally, there is a new “About GMinder” window that displays the version of GMinder that you are using, accessible from the system tray.

As always, thank you for your suggestions and feedback!

Minor GMinder Update – Connectivity Testing

GMinder trys to ping prior to downloading events. If ECHO is disabled on your network (possibly blocked by your admin), then events will not be downloaded even if your calendars can be downloaded. With GMinder v1.2.8, an option has been added to enable/disable the connectivity test. To skip the ping, go into Options and uncheck “Test connectivity before downloading events”.

EDIT: Version 1.2.8 used some faulty logic when deciding if it should ping. It has been quickly replaced by 1.2.9. I apologize for the mistake, please download the new version.

GMinder v1.2.7 – Add Events and Proxy Support

I released a new version (1.2.7) of GMinder today, with the following improvements:

  • Ability to add events to your calendars (Thanks to Dan at for getting this started!)
  • Improved Google authentication
  • Automatic proxy configuration
  • “Always on Top” option for the reminder window

The new Quick Add feature

I recommend installing this new version, especially if a previous version had given you trouble.

Thank you for all your suggestions and feedback!